Simple Cash Flow Forecasting Tool | Tailwind

What will our bank account balance be on 20 October?

Only clients of Swedbank are welcome to use Tailwind free of charge for 6 months!

Tailwind is a cash flow forecasting tool that allows you to predict your bank account balance for any future date.

To activate your 6 month free trial:

Step 1
Create your Tailwind account
Step 2
Connect your Swedbank account
Step 3
That’s it - start planning your cash flow!

How does Tailwind work?

Please see frequently asked questions and answers below.

For questions or feedback:

Tailwind is a visualized cash flow forecast tool that shows your planned transactions on a timeline. It allows you to predict your bank account balance on any future date. Tailwind works in your web browser (just like Swedbank internet bank).It keeps your data safe while showing every transaction.

You can add new planned transactions on any date by adding just the counterpart name and amount. Use “drag and drop” to reschedule a planned transaction to a different date and your forecast will be automatically adjusted

Thanks to smart automation, you will need just 5-10 minutes per week to be in control. Please see our interactive demo here.

You need a SMART ID or Google account to create an account. Only you and the users you invite will be able to see your cash flow forecast. Neither Tailwind nor Swedbank nor anyone else will have access to your data as it is encrypted. You can read more about how we keep your data safe here.

You will save a lot of time compared to planning your cash flow in a spreadsheet or any other tool. Even if project deadlines and other assumptions change very often, just 5-10 minutes per week will be enough to be in control of your company’s cash flow. This is thanks to visualization, automation and the easiest modeling.

A bit more in detail:

  • Tailwind shows all of your transactions on a timeline (horizontal axis) and the line connecting the planned transactions shows your expected account balance (vertical axis). Even without looking at any numbers, you can see whether your cash balance will be healthy or not.
  • If it looks like you will have a cash shortage a few weeks from now, you will immediately see how you can fix it as you see all transactions during, before, or after that period. Maybe you can agree with one of your clients that they pay earlier? Or maybe you can delay certain expenses for a week or two?
  • You can reschedule any transaction by “drag and drop” and your forecast will be automatically recalculated.
  • When you enable automatic data updates from your Swedbank account, every time you log into Tailwind your cash balance will be updated and payments you have already made or received will be automatically removed from your forecast.
  • Your forecast always starts on the current date - no columns or rows to add or delete and no formulas to check like when using a spreadsheet.

European Union rules (known as PSD2 directive or “open banking rules”) guarantee your rights to access and use your bank account information in third-party applications such as Tailwind. This is a secure and regulated data exchange process.

This helps you avoid the need to manually retype data from one system to another and saves you time.

As soon as you have confirmed your permission for automatic data updates from your Swedbank account (you will be directed to Swedbank internet bank for this), Tailwind will recognize you as a client of Swedbank and will extend your free trial to 6 months from the moment your account was created.

Important! Please enable automatic data updates from Swedbank during the first month after creating your account. If you don’t, after the first month you will need to activate a paid subscription (please see details here) to continue using Tailwind.

After you enable data updates from Swedbank, every time you log into your Tailwind account, your account balance will be automatically updated and payments you have already made or received will be automatically removed from your forecast.

Data updates only work in one direction: from Swedbank to Tailwind. Tailwind does not send any data to Swedbank or any other third party.

No. You can start using your Tailwind account without enabling automatic data updates from Swedbank.

But in this case, your free trial will expire after one month and you will need to activate a paid subscription to continue using Tailwind.

If you enable automatic data updates from Swedbank within the first month after creating your account, your free trial period will automatically be updated to six months.

Your data is always safe and for your eyes only because:

  • Tailwind application is hosted in a world-class data centre by Digital Ocean in Frankfurt, Germany;
  • Only secure authentication options (SMART ID or Google account) can be used to access Tailwind;
  • Safe data updates from Swedbank and other banks are ensured by GoCardless, a licensed Account Information Services Provider that works in line with EU PSD2 regulations.
  • Data that you create by building your forecast is encrypted and neither the Tailwind team nor any third parties can access it.

You can read more about how we keep your data safe here.

We are glad that many different companies have found Tailwind useful. But it will be particularly useful if your company:

  • Delivers project-based services;
  • Has long “contract to cash” cycles;
  • Is growing and expanding its business.

By project-based services we mean - at first you meet the client, agree exactly how you will help them, sign the contract, do the work, wait until your work is accepted, then issue an invoice and wait for the payment.

If you run a software development firm, marketing agency, law firm, consultancy, construction company or a similar business, you know that it can take several weeks or even several months from the moment you sign the contract until the moment you get paid in full.

If your company is growing and expanding, your cash flow needs to be carefully planned even if your operations are very profitable as you keep investing in your growth all the time.

Yes! You can invite as many users as you wish to access your Tailwind account, including colleagues, shareholders, external accountants, etc.

Please go to Settings / Users and choose “Invite another user”. Enter the e-mail address of the user you wish to invite and click “Send invite”.

The invited user will receive an invitation in their email inbox, will need to click on the link, and authenticate themselves using SMART ID or Google account.

You can also revoke access of any user at any time, also in Settings / Users section.

We recommend that you do it at least once a week.

Of course, it depends on how often your company experiences changes that affect cash flow, for example: new projects are started, progress of current projects is faster or slower than planned, you plan to hire new employees, etc.

But even if you think not much has changed since the last review, it is so much nicer to feel in control, isn’t it?

We recommend reviewing your cash flow forecast for at least the next 2-3 months. The sooner you detect potential cash shortages and start taking action, the more likely you are to avoid any problems.

We also recommend adding new planned transactions as soon as possible. Considering a new project that your client has asked you to do? Before signing the contract, add potential incoming and outgoing payments for this project to see how this would affect your cash flow. Maybe you will understand you need to renegotiate that contract before signing it!

Yes! You can set up Tailwind accounts for as many companies as you wish.

Automatic data updates from Swedbank need to be enabled for each company separately. The same applies to inviting other users.

You need to log out of the Tailwind account of Company A to access the account of Company B.

After your free trial expires, you can activate a paid subscription to continue using Tailwind. You will be offered a choice between a monthly (EUR 30 per month) or annual (EUR 300 per year) subscription.

Please see additional information on our pricing here.

If you don’t activate a paid subscription after your free trial expires, your account will be available in read-only mode.

Should you wish to discontinue using Tailwind, you will be able to cancel your subscription and delete your account and all data at any time.

Tailwind cash flow forecasting tool was built by Tailwind Technologies SIA (registered in Latvia, registration number 40203371091). Just like you, we are also clients of Swedbank!

The founders of the company Kārlis Mikoss and Lars-Erik Hion have been running different professional services businesses for many years and got frustrated by a lack of a simple and easy way to plan cash flows. Neither spending long hours in Excel nor “flying blind” seemed right, so we built Tailwind!

Learn more about Tailwind on