Bank sync doesn’t work? Renew the 90 day permission!

16 December 2024
open banking

Why isn’t my bank sync working?

Reason #1: the 90 day permission has expired.

Automated data import from our bank accounts or “open banking” has made life so much easier for entrepreneurs and accountants. And tools like Simple & Easy Cash Flow Forecasting were only made possible by open banking.

It works like clockwork most of the time. But sometimes it doesn’t and the first of the three most popular reasons is expiration of 90 day permission limit.

EU directives require banks to collect explicit permission from their clients who want to use their data in third party systems. Such permission needs to be renewed every 90 days (which will gradually be extended to 180 days but we are not yet there).

If you use Tailwind, and the permission you granted to use your banking data has expired, you will be notified about it upon login.

Go to Settings / Bank accounts and click on the Renew button. Follow the instructions and in a few moments your sync will work again!

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