Selection of time interval for your forecast now enabled!

Tailwind has always allowed you to see your cash flow forecast for as far in the future as necessary. OK, seven years to be precise but none of our users are forecasting for anywhere near as far into the future.

But we also know that often entrepreneurs need to zoom in on a specific “slice of your cash flow forecast” so we keep working to offer even better and even more convenient filters that you can apply.

We have now removed from the barrier between the future and the past. While future is still what matters most, when it comes to reviewing transactions with a specific client or supplier or a cash flow of one of many projects your company delivers, sometimes you need to take into account what has happened in the recent past as well.

Therefore In, Out and Tags sections you can now choose between four options: Only future, Only past, past and future or specific data range. Once you apply the respective filter, only transactions that match it will be shown.

Check it out and let us know what you think at or schedule a feedback session via!